Do you use mobile mobile cash mobile account? Then you may have to transact money for any need and you may have to spend a lot of time taking money from relatives and friends for various needs. But there are many people who after using the account repeatedly do not understand how many numbers or any code can be dialed to check the cash balance. When we send money to someone, we see how much money is left in our phone after sending money ourselves. Many times when someone sends money to our phone we want to check the balance.
However, in case of money transactions, all types of mobile banking phones, including cash accounts, inform the customer via SMS how much money has been used from his account and how much money is left in the account. Then many times this SMS is delayed due to net connection and many times we do not understand whether the money came from our phone because the SIM or mobile banking account number is blocked. In that case we have to check the balance and there is a code prescribed to check this balance.
If you are a cash account user then you will know the cash balance check code through that post on our website today. Those who use cash accounts through apps may not know this balance check code. However, those who have a buttoned phone will know this balance check code and will be able to use all the features of your cash account effortlessly for any need. So you go to the dial option on your mobile phone to check your cash balance and go there and dial * 16 #.
After dialing this, if you have more than one SIM in your mobile phone, select the SIM card in which the account is opened and if you have an interface in front of you, you will see a lot of serial features there. Among those options, you will get option number 7 according to serial number, my cash option. Click on the send button in the empty cell below 7 next to the My Cash option and go to the next cell and notice the number one option of the option called Balance Inquiry.
Then you put this serial number in the empty cell below, that is, in the empty cell below, you click on the send button and go to the next cell and use the secret 4 digit PIN number of your cash account. Once the PIN number is used, you can click the send button again and by clicking there you can see how much money is in your cash account. However, if you practice this process two to four times, you will understand how easy it is to use and in this case you will not have any more problems. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Thank you all.