You are well done to visit our website to get the solution of Digital Bangladesh Day Quiz on 1st December 2023. We will provide you with the correct solution of all the questions of Digital Bangladesh Day Quiz today in this western medium so that you can give the answers in a very short time and become the winner. The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has organized a quiz competition on important topics about Digital Bangladesh on the occasion of Digital Bangladesh Day in the month of Vijaya.
As the time is very short in answering the quiz competition and the answers to some questions are difficult for many people, we are helping you by providing the answers to these questions on our website. If you have visited our website then you can collect the answers in the least time and give the correct answer.
Seven people will be selected in each group through the quiz competition and seven people will be awarded prizes. Especially for those who are in the age group of 13 to 19 years, today this quiz competition will be running for one hour from 7 pm to 8 pm.
Digital Bangladesh Quiz Questions and Answers
The detailed information about the competition was provided on the website and based on that information many of you may have prepared and after taking this preparation participated in today’s quiz competition. After participating in this quiz competition, when you are confused about the answers to some questions or thinking about the answers, I will tell you that you can check the correct answers through these questions.
Always working for your benefit and for this purpose today’s questions are provided by quiz competition questions so that you can declare yourself as winner. You have to use your time well as the contest is only 21 minutes long and has 100 multiple choice questions to answer. If you have more than one device, then you can login there with one device and provide answers to the questions and with the other device you can easily or open any other tab and easily search the answers to the questions and provide the answers.
Group A, B, C Digital Bangladesh Quiz Result 2023
Digital Bangladesh Quiz Competition 2023
Those who participated in this quiz competition gained various knowledge related to Digital Bangladesh and studied various important topics starting from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. When you don’t get much time to answer these questions, if we provide you with the right answers, you will be able to answer them in a very short time. Moreover, you often find it difficult to provide these answers in just 21 minutes, and because you have to provide them in less time, the answers to many known questions become unknown to you.
Digital Bangladesh Quiz Questions and Answers Today MCQ Exam 2023
Today we provided the answers to these quiz competition questions and tomorrow we will provide the questions for the group test. Stay with our website to get answers to all the questions and if you know them based on the fact that we provide you the right answers, you will be ahead of everyone in providing answers. Since it is not possible to answer 100 questions in 21 minutes, answering the maximum number of questions will help you in your results. When you are ahead in results, you can easily get a clean sweep and get a certificate if you are in any one of the first seven positions.