Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Schedule & Ticket Price (Buy Ticket Online)

Thousands of people travel Dhaka to Rajshahi by train everyday. Very often travellers don’t have the current train schedule of Dhaka to rajshahi railway station. So they face problems finding out the exact departure time of train.

Are you looking for Dhaka to rajshahi train schedule? Then this article is very helpful for you. Because in this article we discuss about train schedule, ticket price and how to buy ticket online. So let’s get started.

In this article we will discuss about Dhaka to rajshahi train schedule, ticket price, stoppage list & route map.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train

There are some train trips from Dhaka to Rajshahi in the day and night. They are Dhumketu Express, Silksity Express, Bonolota Express & Padma Express. Those train are running according to maintaining time table. They have off day.

Here we will give you the exact Dhaka to Rajshahi train time table and list of of off day.

Off Day List of Dhaka Rajshahi Train

Bangladesh Railway is maintaining train schedule by keeping one train off. On those days you cannot travel Dhaka to Rajshahi by those concerned train. Here is a chart of Dhaka Rajshahi Train Schedule Off Day.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Timetable

In order to travel Rajshahi by train from Dhaka you must know the exact timetable of four running train. Sometimes train fails to reach destination station because of schedule failure. That’s why the departure time is not exactly as the time table shown on Bangladesh Railway website chart.

Train journey from Dhaka to rajshahi is very enjoyable. But your journey may not be comfortable if your train fails to get started on actual time. That’s why we are giving time to time update of every running Dhaka to rajshahi train to make your journey comfortable and enjoyable.

Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket Price

Train ticket price of Dhaka to Rajshahi railway service varies depending on train name and departure time. Train fare has been increased many time in recent years. This impact the revenue of Bangladesh Railway. And customers is forced pay extra charge. Recently the railway ticket price is increased in 30%.

Now every ticket price is very high in the comparison of last two years price. Most probably you know that ticket price of Dhaka to Rajshahi Railway increased in 200% because of any festival. Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha are the two men occasions of price hike.

There are many articles published on our website about Price and Features. You shouldn’t miss that.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now we are going to answer some frequently asked questions about Dhka to Rajshahi Railway Service.

Question: Dhaka to Rajshahi Train Ticket dam koto taka?

Answer: The price of Dhaka to Rajshahi train is given in the chart of this article.

Question: Dhaka theke Rajshahi Train er Vara koto taka?

Answer: Check the price chart from the image of this article.

Final Words

We hope our article helps you finding useful information regarding Dhaka to rajshahi train service. If you have to still any questions then please ask in the comment section below. We will try our best to provide answer of the questions. Thank you very much for reading this article.

About Shahriar Hossain 372 Articles
Shahriar Hossain is a prominent English content writer. He is writing content from many years in various national and international websites. His main focus of writing is on Technology and Education. He is passionate about writing quality content.