To send money to Bikash, you have to pay a certain amount as a charge. If you have sufficient funds in your account, a charge will be deducted from that sufficient funds. This amount will be deducted once every time you send money. Everything you need to do to send money in development, you can learn from our article today. There are some special ways to send money. You can know all those ways at any moment through our article. If you want to send money or send money in Bkash account, you can save your favorite number.
If you have saved your favorite number then you don’t have to pay that much. As much money as you send money without favorite number. Common customers in our country use Bikash account. Bikash account is used to send money from one place to another. There are certain things you need to know in advance when you use Bkash account.
One of which is how much money you have to pay to send money or how much money will be charged. It is necessary to know more about this and so we are going to discuss about it in detail today. Those who regularly read our articles will know more about it. All the information that we are presenting today is collected directly from the official website of Bkash Company. All the information presented in the development company. Today we are presenting all those information to you through the article.
Bkash Charge Of Sending Money
Every user has to pay a specific amount as a charge to send money to Bikash. Those who want to send money to Bikash at any moment. Then everyone has to send this money. If you want to send money then this amount must be paid. If you send money without depositing the charge money in the Bkash account, then that money will not be sent money in any way.
You have to pay less than the amount in your account. Otherwise it will not be possible to send your money. And so today we will show you what to do and where to pay to send money to Bikash. That’s why many people wanted to know these things from us. Today we are going to discuss these issues in detail in front of you.
Things you need to know to send money to Bikash:
● If you want to send up to 25,000 taka per year or per calendar month to your favorite number, no charges will apply.
● To send money to your favorite number, if you send more than 25 thousand rupees, a charge of 5 rupees will be applied.
● If the monthly transaction exceeds 50 thousand rupees, everyone will have to pay a charge of more than 10 rupees to send money to the favorite number.
● A customer can add up to five favorite numbers to his Bkash account.
● Can’t add more than five favorite numbers.
● Instant favorite number can be changed if one wants to change the favorite number at any moment.
● No charge will be applicable for sending money up to 100 rupees through Bikash app.
● If you send more than 100 rupees to any number other than your favorite number, they will have to pay charges.
The above mentioned points are very important for every bkash account user.